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Endo Essentials at Home Module 2 Lectures Only
Biology Basics. The Key to Endo Diagnosis
Pulpal Biology - Essential Learning (21:12)
Periapical Biology and Pathology - Essential Learning (13:50)
Aetiology of Post-Treatment Disease (11:30)
Endodontic Diagnosis Essentials
Understanding Pre-Test Probability & Bayes Theorem (13:13)
Taking a Pain History - the Key to Endodontic Diagnosis (8:33)
Pulpal and Periapical Diagnoses (13:39)
Endodontic and Periodontic Diagnosis Differentiation (15:19)
Diagnosis of Vertical Root Fracture (7:14)
Basics of Non-Odontogenic Pain (15:41)
Case Based Diagnosis Review (25:30)
Diagnostic Testing (27:07)
Bonus Content - The Effect of Prevalence on Test Performance (18:34)
Basics of Endodontic Radiography
The Role of Radiography in Endodontic Diagnosis (26:23)
Introduction to CBCT (16:12)
Lesions Mimicking Apical Periodontitis (7:25)
Clinical Case Application (14:53)
Case Selection and Treatment Planning
Decision Making (9:23)
Assessment of Restorability (12:30)
Periodontal Prognosis (14:29)
Case Assessment and the AAE Classification System (9:09)
Assessing Endodontically Treated Teeth (18:31)
Treatment Planning Post-Treatment Disease (19:54)
Working With Your Endodontist (21:36)
Assessing Outcome Studies (47:41)
Endodontic Isolation and Temporisation
Rubber Dam Techniques (22:26)
Basics of Temporisation (13:46)
Case Examples (24:38)
Applied Principles of Instrumentation
Decision Making Based on Processes (18:42)
File Motion and NiTi Alloy Evolution (27:05)
Glide Path & Working Length Determination (24:42)
Management of Ledges (4:58)
Irrigation and Medication in Endodontics
Canal Disinfection Through Irrigation (7:39)
Adjuncts to Disinfection (15:11)
The Role of Medicaments in Endodontics (14:30)
Applied Principles of Obturation
The Role of Obturation in Endodontic Outcomes (6:08)
Overview of Techniques (12:31)
Options and Evidence for Sealers (8:22)
Local Anaesthesia and Pain Management in Endodontics
Mechanisms and Predictors of Post-Endodontic Pain (12:47)
Pharmacology of Local Anaesthesia (15:32)
Local Anaesthesia Techniques For Endodontics (9:57)
Pain Control Through Pharmacology and the Role of Antibiotics in Pain Control (7:46)
Adjunctive Techniques for Pain Control (4:37)
Managing Cracks in Teeth
Aetiology of Cracks in Teeth (6:02)
Mechanisms of Crack Pain (13:05)
Assessment of Cracks in Teeth (9:10)
Treatment Options (6:46)
Dealing With Uncertainty and Prognosis in Cracked Teeth (14:00)
Decision Making Based on Processes
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